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Today the water becomes a problem that needs careful attention and scrutiny. Because to get clean water , according to certain standards , currently being expensive item because it has a lot of water contaminated by a variety of anthropogenic waste , either waste from household activities , waste from industrial activities and other activities . And human dependence on water was more in line with the ever increasing population growth . ( Mukrimah Rahman ) One of the essential needs and environmental health are clean water, waste and sanitation , the need for clean water , waste management every day produced by the community as well as the disposal of waste water which goes on the channel / river . This led to silting of canal / river , clogging the drain / river with garbage during the rainy season would be flooding and cause disease . ( Wakurnia Wati )The water problem is a major problem , both problems of water supply in cities and villages . and distribution problems and population and industrial wastewater . Water is needed by all beings in the world . By is in line with the increasing human needs , efforts were made to provide clean water that is safe for health . The healthy water must meet four kretiria parameters . The first parameter is a physical parameter which includes dissolved solids , turbidity , color , taste , smell , and temperature . The second parameter is the chemical parameters consisting of various ions , toxic compounds , dissolved oxygen and chemical oxygen demand . The third parameter is the biological parameters include the type and content of microorganisms in both animals and plants . The last parameter is the parameter includes the content of radioactive materials - radioactive material .
In general there is a leprosy in developing countries , and the majority of sufferers are from economically weak . This is as a result of the country's limited ability to provide adequate services in the areas of health , education , social and economic welfare in the community . ( Masliah )
Environmental risk factors affect the condition of poor sanitation includes cleaning the house , humidity and poor sanitation facilities also sleeping habits of the people together, alternately wear clothes and also defecate in the garden can trigger the occurrence of various diseases and did not rule out leprosy . ( Munira I.L ) . As for Scabies , factors that play a role in the transmission is low socioeconomic , poor personal hygiene , sanitary environment , behavior health support , as well as the density . The most dominant factor is poverty and poor personal hygiene in developing countries are the ones most widely Scabies disease . ( Effi Ekayanti & Qolbiyah )
From the above background that can exist then , the author describes the formulation of the problem as follows :
1 . What is a water washed diseases ?
2 . How is the relationship between the microbiological quality of water with water washed diseases ?
3 . How is the relationship between skin diseases related to water washed diseases ( scabies and leprosy ) ?
As this paper was made in order to determine :
1 . Students can identify and explain the water washed disease ;
2 . Students can identify and explain the relationship between the
microbiological quality of water with water washed diseases ;
3 . Students can identify and explain the relation of skin diseases with water
washed diseases ( scabies and leprosy ) .
1 . Understanding Water Washed diseases
Water Washed Disease is a disease caused by lack of water and do not guarantee for the maintenance of hygiene hygiene ( Personal Hygiene ) . Numerous in the tropics . Disease : Influenced by transmission and very many , among others :
a ) Diseases of the digestive tract infection : is fecaloral such as diarrhea ,
cholera , typhoid , hepatitis Infektiosa , Dysentery Basiler
b ) Diseases of the skin and mucous membrane infections . Diseases are closely related poor personal hygiene : Fungus infections of the skin , conjunctivitis
c ) Diseases caused by insects on the skin and mucous membranes . Disease is determined by the availability of clean water for personal hygiene to prevent parasite invasion of the body and clothing : Sarcoptes , Scabies , Louse -borne relapsing fever , Leprosy etc. .
( Wakurnia Wati ) .
Environmental risk factors affect the condition of poor sanitation includes cleaning the house , humidity and poor sanitation facilities also sleeping habits of the people together, alternately wear clothes and also defecate in the garden can trigger the occurrence of various diseases and did not rule out leprosy . ( Munira I.L ) .
Factors that play a role in the transmission of this disease is low socioeconomic , poor personal hygiene , sanitary environment , behavior health support , as well as the density p enduduk . The most dominant factor is poverty and poor personal hygiene in developing countries are the ones most widely Scabies disease . ( Effi Ekayanti & Qolbiyah )
2 . Relationship between the microbiological quality of water with water washed diseases . Several diseases can be caused by water containing microbiological contaminants or other substances . Among others, water washed disease . Diseases belonging to the water washed disease include: scabies , leprosy , and so on .Diseases and leprosy scabies is a skin disease that belong to the water washed disease . Broadly speaking, the amount of water washed diseases disease can occur if water enters the body contaminated by feces can also be exchanged can also be transmitted by direct impurities , namely between faecea and mouth . In poor hygienic conditions due to lack of enough clean water for washing , or infectious disease transmission can be reduced by the provision of additional water , in this case the quality is commensurate with drinking water .
3 . Washed By Water Skin Diseases Disease
a. Scabies
Scabies is a zoonotic disease that affects the skin , easily transmitted from human to human , from animal to human or vice versa , can be informed of all races and groups around the world are caused by mites ( ticks or mites ) Sarcoptes scabiei ( Buchart , 1997; Rosendal 1997) . ( Qolbiyah M. Nur )
Itching is a major symptom before other clinical symptoms appear , usually itch but only on lesions in chronic itch of scabies can be felt in the whole body . The symptoms include a sense of intense itching at night , skin rash that occurs primarily on the sidelines of the fingers , under the armpits , waist , genitals , around the elbow , mammale areola ( area around the nipple) , and surface the wrist . Factors that play a role in the transmission of this disease is low socioeconomic , poor personal hygiene , sanitary environment , behavior health support , as well as the density p enduduk . The most dominant factor is poverty and poor personal hygiene in developing countries are the ones most affected the disease Scabies ( Carruthers , 1978; Kabulrachman , 1992) .
( Effi Ekayanti )Scabies prevalence in Indonesia is approximately 6-27 % of the general population and tend to be more children and adolescents ( Spears , 1997) . It is estimated that poor environmental sanitation at boarding school () is the dominant factor that plays a role in the transmission and Scabies disease prevalence among students in ( Prop Java Health Office , 1997) .
Environmental sanitation Ponpes parameters examined included building sanitary , bathroom sanitation , waste management , waste water disposal systems , residential density bedrooms , and humidity of the room . Chi square statistical test results showed that among the parameters that contribute to the prevalence of the disease Scabies is sanitizing bathrooms ( p < 0.01 ) , the density of occupancy bedrooms ( p < 0.01 ) , and humidity ( p < 0.05 ) .
Provision of clean water is a key bathroom sanitation contribute to disease transmission Ponpes Scabies on the students , because the disease Scabies is a disease which is based on the requirements of clean water ( water washed disease) that is used to wash during bath limbs ( Anwar , 1995) . In fact the need of clean water for bathing , washing and toilet needs most Ponpes in Lamongan supplied from river water without prior treatment .
Personal hygiene , personal hygiene Assessment in this study include , among others, the frequency of bathing , use soap at au not , shampooing , frequency of washing clothes and towels , clothing and towels used interchangeably , sleeping mats and hygiene . Healthy behaviors , healthy behaviors measured by three parameters , namely knowledge , attitudes , and actions against Scabies disease . The third parameter indicates a significant role in the prevalence of the disease Scabies ( Chi square , three with p < 0,01 ) . Behaviors that do not support them is the shirt or towel turns with friends , sleeping and huddle together in one bed . Role of Environmental Factors Sanitation , sanitation factors in question here is an overall parameter variables formed Ponpes environmental sanitation , personal hygiene and healthy behaviors that play a role in disease transmission Scabies ( Suparmoko , 1991) .
b . Leprosy
Leprosy ( leprosy ) is a contagious disease and a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae . This disease is a type of granulomatous
For the purposes of drinking water , domestic and industrial , can generally be used source of water comes from rivers , springs , lakes , wells , and rainwater that had eliminated their chemical substances , toxic gases or dangerous germs .
In this case we have discussed the effect of the consumption of water containing microbiological specially washed in water which will cause human disease using the water exposed to diseases such as scabies ( caused by Sarcoptes scabiei ) and leprosy ( Mycobacterium leprae due mycrobacterium ) .
Environmental sanitation factors that contribute to the high prevalence of the disease among the students Scabies boarding school in Lamongan is Ponpes sanitation ( especially sanitation and ventilation of the bedrooms of the students ) , behaviors that are less supportive of healthy lifestyles to disease Scabies , and poor personal hygiene of the students .
Environmental risk factors affect the condition of poor sanitation includes cleaning the house , humidity and poor sanitation facilities also sleeping habits of the people together, alternately wear clothes and also defecate in the garden can trigger the occurrence of various diseases and did not rule out leprosy .
See the dangers of the disease to humans , it needs attention and further handling of the health behavior and environmental sanitation .
Based on the discussion paper on the advice we can give is :
Ø The most important must consider the condition of the water consumed for drinking water use either machine as well as wash water .
Ø Hand washing is a simple matter to remove dirt and minimize germs on hands with pouring water and can be done by adding certain ingredients . With hand washing is expected to prevent the spread of pathogens via the hands .
1 . Munira I. Lestaluhu . Assessment of Potential Risk Factors for Transmission of Leprosy and His intervention in Sumenep Pragaan health center in 2007 . Yudied AM , Didik MM , Darmono , Budi S. Human Media Bulletin Volume 03, number 03 in 2008 .
2 . Wakurnia Wati . Quality Analysis of Physical , Chemical and Bacteriological Water Well And Preview Dig Dug Well Construction Circumstances Patumbak In the village of Kampung district of Deli Serdangtahun Patumbak 2010. Thanks to Son . Thesis .
3 . Qalbia M. Nur . Factors Associated with Disease incidence scabies at boarding school in Aceh Besar in 2007 . Thesis .
4 . Mukrimah Rahman . Groundwater Pollution Due To Domestic Waste Disposal in Slum Environment Case Study Ubung Banjar Sari , Village Ubung . Kadek and I Harmayani Diana G. M. Konsukartha ( Lecturer Department of Civil Engineering , Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Udayana ) . Journal .
5 . Evi . Comparative figures Hand Wash Germs On With Some Work On Material For Standardization Laboratory of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia . Farida Juliantina Rachmawati and Shofyatul Yumna Triyana . Journal . Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta .
6 . Effi Ekayanti . Factors that Contribute to Environmental Sanitation Against Scabies Disease Prevalence Study On Boarding School Pupils in Lamongan . Isa Ma'rufi1 ) , Soedjajadi Keman2 ) , Hari Basuki Notobroto3 ) .
7 . Masliah . Leprosy And Problems caused. dr . Zulkifli , M.Sc. Journal of the Faculty of Public Health, University of North Sumatra .
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