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English ? Who's Afraid ?
The negotiations failed because of a misunderstanding with prospective foreign partners . The work was delayed because of communication haltingly with clients from across the country . Suffered a loss of employment contracts that are not fully understood . Job application in a foreign company rejected because English proficiency is lacking. Job opportunities with companies of international class canceled due to not providing manpower who can speak English .
Have you ever experienced any of the above events ? You are not alone . Many people are having problems on the job is not because there is no ability or opportunity , but only because of lack of English skills . In an increasingly globalized business world , more and more local Indonesian companies entering into the world market , and more and more international companies enter the local market , the use of English became the language of " business " increasingly perceived as a necessity . The problem is , the number of business people in Indonesia who are already comfortable using English as the language of everyday business is still limited .
PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE LEARNINGLearning English is not difficult , but also not as easy as turning the palm of the hand . What is important is the willingness and perseverance . English language learning expert , Douglas H. Brown promoted to the five principles of effective learning English following ." Way of life" . If we learn English in a country where the language is spoken as a mother language , generally we will more quickly master the language because every day we are surrounded by English , from waking up to go back to bed . This is because the English language has become an integral part of our lives . Similarly we have to do in Indonesia , if we want to learn English effectively : we have to make the English language as a part of our lives . That is, we should try to use it every day where possible . For that , we can read , hear , or speak the English language at every opportunity that we meet or we can create. For example , we can set aside time each day to read the article in English in one day . If the article has not been able to , one paragraph or one sentence per day was not a problem . We make our sentence is a sentence that day , and we use that sentence in every opportunity that may exist in that day . Alternatively , we could also take the time to listen to everything in English ( songs, news , or tapes containing conversations in English ) to accustom our ears to the foreign language . All we can do , among others, is to listen to the tapes ( both songs , speeches , presentations , or teaching tapes in English ) in the car all the way from home to work or vice versa . We can also try to write in English ( writing memos , short letter , or write a work plan which we will do during the week or for the next day ) . In principle , we live surrounded by the English language that the topics we like or we need." Total commitment " . To make English as an integral part of our lives , we must have a commitment to involve the English language in our lives physically , mentally , and emotionally . Physically , we can try to listen , read , write , and practice pronunciation in English , constantly and repeatedly. Mentally or intellectually , we can try to think in English every time we use the English language . For example , in understanding the English language , not word for word , but the meaning as a whole . We can attempt to identify some expressions in English which has roughly the same meaning , for example : How're you ? , How's life ? , How's business ? (do not get hung up on one phrase only ) . And , most importantly is our emotional involvement with the English language , that we need to have high motivation to learn English , and we need to find " positive things " that we can enjoy , or that could give us an advantage if we are able to master the English language . These things will give you tremendous energy on us to stay motivated to learn English . These three aspects ( physical , mental , and emotional ) should we involve in total in our learning process , if we want to learn English more effectively ." Trying " . Learning a language is like learning to ride a bicycle or learning to drive a car . We can not only read and understand the " manual" , but we should try to use it . In the learning phase ( experimental stage ) , very reasonable if we made a mistake . The important thing is to know the mistake we did and fix it at the next opportunity . It would be better if at the moment we have a teacher who tried to tell us our failures . Teachers do not need a formal teacher or school English courses . Teachers could have a tape that we can listen and we compare it with our words , a textbook that we can read and check the answer , or it could be acquaintances , or relatives who can help us if we have a problem , or there are things we want to asked . We do not be ashamed to ask , and do not be afraid to make mistakes . Of the questions we ask and from the mistakes we did , we could learn a lot ." Beyond class activities" . If we study English formally ( in classes , in the course ) , usually limited learning hours : four hours a week , six hours a week or eight hours a week . What is certain hours of study in this class must be very limited . In order for learning to be effective , we must create opportunities for " learning " is also outside the hours of learning in the classroom : a discussion with friends , visiting websites that offer free English lessons , or to communicate in English with friends or native speakers ( either by mail , email , or live chat ) . We could also try to read newspapers , magazines , text books , listening to the radio , a song , or watch shows and movies . For learning to be more appealing , choose topics that are of interest to us , our needs , or related educational background and work that we field ." Strategies " . If the commitment , the courage to try , and English as a part of our lives has been applied , the next step is to apply appropriate learning strategies to support our learning processes . These strategies can we develop and we adjust our personalities and learning styles of each . There are much easier to learn by using the " cue - cards " , which are small cards bearing the phrase or words we want to master along with example sentences that could use these words . This card can we take it wherever we go . Whenever there is a chance ( at the time of waiting for a taxi , waiting for lunch was served , or , when in a vehicle that was stuck in traffic ) , we can take this card and read it and try to improvise with the new words in the same sentence structure . There are also people who are more easily learned by direct verbal communication with other people or native speakers . Of communication they ask , listen , and improve pronunciation and increase their vocabulary with our learning styles .
LEARNING STYLESEveryone has different learning styles . This learning style is formed from the environment and our daily habits . If we know our learning style , then we can choose an effective learning strategy , which is tailored to the learning styles of each of us ." Auditory learners " . If we include those that are easier to learn by listening , then we have a learning style " auditory . " When we learned of this style , then we can multiply the portion learn by listening , for example, listening to tapes of English lessons , our favorite songs , or news , speeches in English . We could also hear conversations in English on favorite movies that we watch in the cinema , television , or VCD . Listen to speech , expression , note the context or situation in which words or expressions are used . Do this over and over again then we will meet with similar expressions that can be practiced on a regular basis , so that we can say and use it more proficiently ." Visual Learners " . If we include those that are easier to learn through visual input ( image , text) , then we have a learning style " visual " . There are so many strategies that we can do . We can read the articles in the English language that we consider important , and interesting in newspapers , magazines , or the Internet , then we try to retell the words that we arrange themselves , either in written form or in the form of greeting . We can also read and study sample letters , proposals , brochures that we often encounter in doing our work . To try to understand an abstract concept , we can describe it in visual form : " flow chart " , tables , or other visual forms ." Kinesthetic learners " . If we prefer to learn by doing something or move , then we can learn to use the computer ( where we had to press a button on the keyboard , or mouse ) , so we do not get bored . We can also join associations of English ( English Club ) which has lots of activities and games that involve movement . Which also we can do is learn to write ( moving the hands to write ) , or trying to understand a word or phrase to visualize the movement could be associated with the meaning of these words .Each person can have more than one learning style ( eg, auditory and visual , or visual and kinesthetic ) . Whatever our learning styles , if we had known , we can find and apply learning strategies that are tailored to the learning styles so that the results can be more effective .
LEARN THE " ON - LINE " , FREEThere are many ways that we can do to learn English . One is the on-line learning . Here is a web site that can help you to learn or improve your ability to consult the English language , no cost ( free - of-charge ) .
• ESL goESL offers free online classes and message boards that can be used to train participants grammar and vocabulary .
• Bell English OnlineEnglish lessons are free of charge from Bell Schools , UK . Bell English Online offers hundreds of games dang exercises to improve your English .
• english @ homeFree English language learning through newsletters , study tips , and tips on increasing knowledge of grammar , and vocabulary in English .
• English for FreeFree English lessons by email on a variety of subjects including Business English and TOEFL .
• offer free lessons on a conversation in English ( one lesson for one day ) .
• Business English FiveOffering five words , or five sentences in English for the business that is sent to your email address every week to learn . Requests can be submitted to .As long as there is a will, there's a way , so the saying goes . After learning the principles of effective English language learning ( which we could also apply to other foreign language learning , or the learning of the subject matter) and know the learning style of each of us , the next step is to develop a willingness to learn and implement learning strategies appropriate to the our learning style . Thus , learning was so much easier , and more fun . Good luck ! N
Copyright © 2003 Rays of Hope( This article was taken from Daily Evening Rays of Hope , on September 16, 2008 . 23:23 pm )
Second Tip
Creative Ways To Learn A Foreign Language
By L. Onny WirandaTuesday, August 1, 2006Language is the gateway of knowledge . By mastering many languages , you have access to multiple sources of knowledge directly . Today, many people consider that the foreign language that must be mastered is English , because English is seen as the lingua franca of globalization . Additionally row is Japanese , Korean , Mandarin , French , and German .The problem is , many people feel it is too late to learn the language . Following a course in a long time is not an appealing option for those who time and funds are limited . Though a course has many uses , among others, we will get a chance to learn a foreign language more systematically , to gain access to foreign language readings that we wish to learn , and the chance to taste the atmosphere of national culture that language users .But let us admit that the limited time and funds really the main obstacle in learning a foreign language . And let me not to invite you to compare yourself with great figures such as Tan Malaka Indonesia , Sukarno , Nyoto , etc. . , Which is able to master many foreign languages . Why ? Obviously they are one step ahead of us . Foreign languages ( Dutch time ) they get intensely in school . While we must be satisfied with the teaching of English piecemeal and after feeling self- understand English , we immediately started translating long texts such as novels .The problem is , many people assume that a foreign language is English and that learning a foreign language should provide instant benefits . Learn a foreign language than English feared would be a futile act because it will not give you an advantage , as in the case of applying for a job or enroll as many required college now . Though there is no harm if we want to learn khan Urdu , for example ?Inevitably we must acknowledge the dominance of English today . Just as the medieval period in Europe recognizes the dominance of Latin or Sanskrit in Southeast Asia .But do not worry , under oppression and desire to learn a foreign language than English , there are many creative ways to improve your foreign language skills , whatever the language of your choice .Audio Visual TechnologyGive thanks to technology , because with his help you can learn languages more easily . Get used to always hear a conversation in a foreign language through tapes or CDs . You can do it while getting ready to go to work , in transit , or in moments of leisure . Do not let time pass in vain ; " flooded " with the language of your ears so that every day you are getting used to it.Collect movies or music using a foreign language you're learning . By watching a movie or listening to a song , you will feel not being learned , but a lot of new vocabulary that you can absorb . Get used also for not reading the subtitles on the film , but rather focus on the dialogue of your hearing .inventory vocabularyGlossary will help , you can make a small note taped to the desk or computer . Alternatively , you can write them down in a notebook or on the phone so it can be read at any time . Give a mark on the words that are difficult to remember and try to learn more diligently again . Remember the principle of " little by little , so long long hill " . The French say " petit a petit , l' oiseaux fait son nit " ( little by little , the bird builds its nest ) . You may only memorize 5-10 words per day , but do not ever take lightly . Imagine , how many words you have learned over the years ?have DictionaryDo not leave the dictionary . Have this one book - even better if you have a pocket edition that can be taken anywhere . You never know when it will be needed . In fact , the dictionary can be very useful if you 're having spare time . In the early stages , you can use a foreign language dictionary and translation into Indonesian . However , if you already have enough vocabulary , you can switch to using the foreign language dictionary , for example Dictionary English - English . This will help you understand a meaning in the context of his own language .Too often read the dictionary is not a good habit . Based on my personal experience , reading the dictionary in excess will have their own dangers , such as questioning their individuality and even further to question life . An example is the absurd French playwright Eugene Ionesco . The Drawaman learning English begins with comparing verbs and nouns in English with French language , how people perceive themselves in the UK in the space , how the British looked at the room . In the end be " En Attendant Godot Pour " ( Waiting for Godot , Waiting for Godot ) .The above items may be excessive . Because learning a foreign language is not necessarily going to drag us to make comparisons with our own language , and of course the background Ionesco before learning English should be considered further.correspondenceSo you feel that the other person does not find fit to practice your mastery of the Russian language ? Again, we can thank technology . Now the Internet is widely available in the communications space such as Yahoo Messenger , MSN Messenger , and others . In the spaces that you can find Russian active users . Grateful if they can boyfriend Russia .WellForeign language is merely a tool to open the gates of knowledge possessed many various nations on the face of this world . Without mastery of the Indonesian language well , you likely will not be able to master a particular foreign language well .
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