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This paper is entitled "Environmental Pollution". Humans are part of the components of the environment and have an enormous influence on the environment. Many natural damage regardless of consequences. This can lead to decreased quality of the environment and can affect the survival of living things, including human beings themselves in the future.
Based on the above problems, the formulation of the problem the authors are (1) What's in meaning environmental pollution? (2) Any kind of - kind of environmental pollution? (3) What is the result of environmental pollution? (4) How to prevent / tackle environmental pollution? (4) Why do people have an important role in maintaining the environment to avoid contamination?.
The purpose of this study was (1) to increase knowledge and insight about environmental pollution. (2) To describe the environmental pollution. The method used is the method library, the direct and descriptive analytic methods.
Understanding environmental pollution by Law - Law No. 4 of 1982 is the entry or introduction of living things, matter, energy, and or other components into the environment or change the order of the environment by human activities or natural processes, so the quality of the environment to be less or may not work anymore as intended. Substances that cause pollution are called pollutants. A substance called when pollutant towards presence can cause harm living things.
Environmental contamination can affect the survival of humans and other living things. For it, we must always keep the environment being polluted and remain stable.
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb
Praise to Allah SWT turning author, who has mercy, Taufik, as well as his guidance, so I can complete your scientific work without a hitch.
Sholawat and hopefully always gushing greetings to the Prophet Muhammad who we later - waiting for intercession in this world and in the hereafter.
Scientific paper is structured methods and literature on environmental and resource - other sources. Thus, all parties are actively developing an idea - the idea of the results of the study.
The author would like to thank:
1. Mr. M. Masrur Chamidi, S. Sos as Head of Islamic SMA Sudirman Kaliangkrik.
2. Mother Indrayani N, S. Pd as the teacher's lesson Indonesian and guidance in the preparation of scientific papers.
3. Mr. and Mrs. teachers and school employees Islam Sudirman Kaliangkrik employee.
4. Mom and Dad loved one at home who always gave support and prayers so that the paper can be resolved.
5. All those who have helped in the preparation of this paper.
However, the authors recognize that scientific work is still far from perfection, the criticism and constructive suggestions for improvement so the authors expect this scientific paper.
The authors hope that this paper can be useful for particular authors and readers in general.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb
1.1. Background Issues
Humans are part of the environmental components influence each other constantly. Human impact on the environment is huge. It can be known from human exploitation and exploration of nature through science and technology.
We've often heard of the destruction of forests, pollution of water, soil and air around us caused by human behavior that can not utilize natural resources effectively and efficiently, as well as the lack of human consciousness with the impact it will make. Due to human activity that can decrease the quality of the environment and can affect its survival in the future.
1.2. Problem Formulation
The formulation of the problem to be the authors say in the discussion on the scientific paper is as follows:
1. What the meaning of environmental pollution?
2. Any kind of - kind of environmental pollution?
3. What is the result of environmental pollution?
4. How to prevent / tackle environmental pollution?
5. Why do humans have an important role in maintaining the environment in order to avoid contamination?
1.3. Purpose
The purpose of the preparation of scientific papers are;
1. As one of the requirements to participate in Semester Test SMA Islam Sudirman Kaliangkrik school year 2010/2011.
2. Increase knowledge and insight about environmental pollution.
3. Describing the environmental pollution.
1.4. Benefits of Writing
The benefits of writing scientific papers are:
1. Authors and readers know about environmental pollution.
2. Train writers in using spelling and Indonesian is good and right.
3. Adding creative writer in preparing this paper.
2.1. Understanding Environmental Pollution
Act - Environmental management of the principal Act No. 4 of 1982.
Pollution or environmental pollution is the entry or put its living things, energy substances, and or other components into the environment or change the order of the environment by human activities or natural processes, so the quality of the environment decreases to a certain level that causes the environment to be less or not may stop working as intended.
2.2. Opinion - Opinion Some People
a. Emil Salim.
Environment are all things, the condition of the state, and the influence contained in the room in which we live and affect living things (including humans).
b. Otto Soemarwoto.
The environment is all the objects and conditions that are in it, in the space that we face and we live that affect our lives.
Data Collection Methodologies
Method - the method of data collection which I use as a reference in the preparation of this paper are:
1. Methods Library.
The method is a way of collecting and literature by reading books or brochures kaitanya the object of research.
2. Direct Method.
The direct method is the method of searching for data to come to the cafe (Public Internet) to search for information about environmental pollution.
3. Analytical descriptive method.
Analytic descriptive method is the method of describing and analyzing literature or books in addition to the study of objects written.
4.1. Understanding Environmental Pollution
According to the Act - Act No. 4 of 1982 on the subject of environmental management, the environmental contamination or pollution dimaksut is the inclusion or inclusion of a living being, substance, energy, and or other components into the environment or change the order of the environment by human activities or natural processes, so the quality of the environment be less or cease to function as intended.
Substance causes pollution or environmental pollution are called pollutants. Terms - the terms of a substance called when the presence of pollutants can cause harm to living beings. For example, carbon dioxide levels in the air 0033% beneficial for the plant, but if it is higher than 0033% to members deleterious effects.
A substance can be called a pollutant if:
1. Excess of the normal.
2. Being in a place that is not appropriate / inappropriate.
3. Being on time is not right / not on time.
Pollutant properties are grouped into two, namely:
1. Damaging for a while, but after reacting with substances around him will be no damage anymore, eg CO2.
2. Damaging for the long term, for example: heavy metal mercury.
4.2. Sort - sort Environmental Pollution
1. Based on the nature of Substance Pollution
1.a. Biological pollution.
Physical pollution is pollution caused by liquid, solid, or gas, such as cans, plastic, glass, rubber
1.b. Physical pollution.
Biological pollution is pollution that is caused by the presence of microorganisms, such as salmonella typhosa.
1.c. Chemical pollution.
Chemical pollution is pollution caused by chemical substances, such as: presence of metal compounds, detergent, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, DDT.
2. By Where It All Happened
2.a. Air Pollution.
Water pollution can be:
a. Waste industry.
Industrial waste may include heavy metals such as Cadmium (Ccl), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb). In addition, synthetic dyes and other chemicals according to the type of industry. Through the food chain substances - substances in the body accumulate in animals and humans that can cause death.
b. Agricultural Waste.
Excessive use of fertilizer will result in accumulation of NO in water causing eutrophication, resulting in water weeds such as water hyacinth and algae grew so thick cover the surface of water and sunlight can not penetrate the water.
c. Household Waste.
Some examples of household waste such as detergent, glass, plastic and so piled with industrial waste waters will cause the death of the organism and the shrinkage of oxygen can lead to oxygen-poor parairan.
d. Waste Oil.
Waste oil that spilled into the sea due to an accident or leak Tengker ships offshore oil refinery causing contamination of sea water, as sea levels covered by the oil of a certain thickness. Consequences:
· Sunlight can not penetrate into the water.
· Phytoplankton can not exist, because it can not photosynthesize.
· The exchange of air from the air into water and vice versa to be disturbed.
2.b. Soil Pollution.
Soil contamination caused by:
a. Household waste, such as cans, plastic bags, used batteries, rubber, glass, detergent, and so on.
b. Waste industry, such as sulfuric acid.
c. Acid rain in the form of sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
Based on the nature of pollutant contamination of land divided into two kinds, namely:
a. Biogradable, which is a pollutant that can be broken down by natural processes such as: wood, paper, food scraps, leaves.
b. Nonbiodegradable, namely active pollutants can be decomposed by natural processes, such as: plastic, glass, pesticides, radioactive, metallic toksit.
Consequences caused by soil pollution are:
1) Disruption of living organisms, especially micro-organisms in the soil.
2) The changes in soil chemical and physical properties.
3) Changing and affect the ecological balance.
2.c. Air Pollution.
Air pollution is the contamination of air due to the entry of foreign materials (contaminants) into the air excessively. Air pollutants can be: smoke, dust, and exhaust gases of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels can be derived from petroleum and coal.
Gaseous air pollutants containing hazardous substances:
1) Gas Carbon monoxide (CO).
Famous as the killer gas (suffocation) due to its binding to Haemoglobin (HB) exceeds the oxygen holding capacity. Other effects are headache, nausea, dizziness and heart. Sources of CO gas is the result of incomplete combustion such as vehicle fumes.
2) Gas Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
Excess CO2 in the air will cause the greenhouse effect, which will raise the temperature of the earth and global warming will affect the global climate and the threat of melting permafrost in polar regions. CO2 is a pollutant sources burning oil, coal, industry, and forest fires.
3) Gas Sulfur (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NO2).
This gas with rain causing acid . In the long term the land, rivers, and lakes to become acidic, so it will be harmful to plants, soil microorganisms and freshwater animals. In humans irritates the lungs - lungs, eyes, and nose. Moreover, it will destroy valuable because it accelerates the process of weathering and corrosion on metal, paint fade, pale and fragile paper. Sources of these pollutants come from burning oil, coal, and volcanic eruptions.
2.d. Sound Pollution.
Noise pollution caused by the noise is on - constantly. Sources of noise pollution caused by: the engine factory, noise trains, buses, motorcycles, airplanes, and other noise.
Sources of noise power:
· Normal conversation: 40 dB
· The noise: 80 dB
· Train station: 95 dB
· Engine motor 5 PK: 105 dB
· Jet plane taking off: 150 dB
4.3. Due to Environmental Pollution
1. Biological concentration.
2. Poisoning and disease.
3. Extinction of species.
4. Blasting pests.
5. Disruption of the ecological balance.
6. Reduced soil fertility.
7. The occurrence of acid rain.
Acid rain can be caused by the presence of oxygen nitrogen compounds (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx). Both compounds are readily soluble in water to form acidic compounds. When the acidic compounds are formed in the atmosphere, it causes the pH of rain water is too high. As a result of acid rain:
a. The trees will die, the destruction of plant tissues.
b. Causes irritation to the respiratory tract.
c. Disrupt the lives of aquatic ecosystems.
d. Land became barren, disturbed plant growth.
8. Depletion of the ozone layer.
Depletion of the ozone layer caused by the presence of CFCs in the air. Ozone particles will be bound by chlorine compounds from CFCs, causing the ozone hole.
Due to the depletion of the ozone layer:
a. The intensity of ultraviolet rays to the earth increases.
b. Increasing the temperature of the earth.
c. Rising sea levels.
d. Threatening the health of living organisms on Earth.
9. Greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect is caused by the presence of gas that is able to provide the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases consist of CO2, nitrogen oxides, water vapor, or CFCs. Greenhouse gases absorb infrared rays that heat. Reflected light will be absorbed into the earth greenhouse gases (CO2). Heat radiated to earth thus raising the earth's surface temperature (global warming)
4.4. How to Prevent / Eradicate Environmental Pollution
1. Waste Industries.
a. Build industry away from residential / urban.
b. Each plant should have.
c. Organic waste from food can be processed into useful materials.
Example: 1. Waste industry know, processed into animal feed.
2. Sugar industry waste, will be processed into materials.
2. Household Waste.
a. Liquid waste discharged into the tank, with the aim of:
a) Prevent contamination of water for the home.
b) Prevent contamination of soil.
c) Avoid baud an unpleasant sight.
b. Waste plastic, tin, and rubber can be recycled into useful tools.
c. Processed organic waste into compost.
d. Waste disposed in a lower level and covered with earth.
3. Agricultural Waste.
a) No excessive use of agricultural fertilizers.
b) Monitoring of the use of this type - the type of pesticide.
c) Making compost with crop residue.
4. Air Pollution.
a) Reduce fuel, coal.
b) Using filters on chimneys.
c) Use of alternative fuels.
d) Prevents logging / forest fires.
e) Build a city park with anti-pollutant plants.
f) Control of construction of greenhouses.
g) Conducting vehicle smoke emission testing.
5. Air Pollution.
a) Maintain Watershed (DAS).
b) chemical neutralization.
6. The existence of strong action against the perpetrators of environmental pollution.
7. Increasing public awareness about the importance of the environment.
4.5. Human Role in Maintaining Environment
Humans are part of the environmental components influence each other constantly. Human impact on the environment is huge. It can be known from human exploitation of nature through science and technology. With the knowledge and technology, humans are able to defend themselves or their environment. The exploitation of the environment should be based on environmental aspects, so it still can be used by future generations in accordance with the principles of environmentally sustainable development and sustainable.
5.1. Knot
Pollution or environmental pollution is the inclusion or inclusion of a living being, substance, energy, and or other components into the environment or change the order of the environment by human activities or natural processes, so the quality of the environment down to the level that made the environment becomes less or can not work anymore as intended.
Pollution may arise as a result of human activities or due to natural (eg, volcanic eruptions, toxic gas). Pollutants are substances causing pollution or environmental pollution and its presence can cause harm to living beings.
5.2. Suggestion
1. Man must always keep the environment in order to remain stable and not polluted.
2. We need to use natural resources wisely and to maintain and take care not to become extinct.
3. People should think about the impact that first before implementing anything.
4. Humans must be self-aware after learning events - events that have occurred so that does not happen again.
5. The government should also make the rules and run private firm sanctions for parties - parties who have damaged the environment, as well as disseminating to the public about the importance of the environment is not polluted.
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